Maylay Dancers Pewter Figure

This is my update on painting this pewter figure I did in 2011. Since this I’ve re-painted the figure 3 times. I can’t see to capture the spirit of the dancing and imagery with color choices. Maybe one day!

Super Mario Toy Salvage

Another video from years past. This one I painted a Super Mario toy that I got at a garage sale. The toy was badly played with and had tons of scratches. I painted him in his traditional colors but toned them down some. I never got around to finishing this one however.

Ninja Turtles McDonalds Toy Re-Paint

Here’s an older project from a few years ago. I painted a Ninja Turtle Happy Meal toy from McDonalds. I paid .25 cents for this at a garage sale and painted him in a more realistic style. Cowabunga! Can’t wait to do more of these.

Star Wars Command Christmas Toys Re-Paint #1

This video showcases the before shots of these cool Star Wars Command figures that will be painted in Christmas colors. Ooooooo sorry red Starbucks cup, we mean holiday colors.

Wax Covered Art Project Ideas

Here is a short video I made showing some cool and interesting ideas on how to make your own swamp zombie toy for Halloween! Even though candle wax is soft and often brittle it can be used for modeling and figure projects. If you use a paraffin wax it will dry harder and be more stable. Experiment and have fun!

Remember when using candles always have an adult around because they mostly likely know how to burn things much better than you!