Star Wars Command Christmas Toys Re-Paint #1

This video showcases the before shots of these cool Star Wars Command figures that will be painted in Christmas colors. Ooooooo sorry red Starbucks cup, we mean holiday colors.

Star Wars Vs. Get Him To The Greek Movie Poster

star wars get him to the greek

I made another Star Wars spoof movie poster tonight. I was inspired by literally the worst movie I’ve ever watched and the only one I’ve ever left the theater from. So bad!

Star Wars Vs. Forrest Gump Movie Poster

Star-Wars-Forest-Gump-Jar-Jar-BinksI made this spoof poster tonight. Being an insomniac has it’s advantages! Enjoy!

Yoda Star Wars Pez Custom Dispenser

Paint or do not paint, there is no brush.

Here is what I have done so far on painting this Yoda Pez dispenser. Continue reading

Star Wars Battle Droid Meets The Terminator

star wars battle droid

This is a Star Wars battle droid action figure that I got as part of a lot of figures that I’m painting. I had the wild idea of making a more realistic version of the droids than in the movies. Continue reading