Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy

Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy - The Force Awakens

Probably the best looking figure in the 16 pack of army men toys in the Star Wars Command : Death Star Strike is the “exclusive” Luke Skywalker in Rebel Pilot gear. The figure has a great amount of detail and a nice likeness to Mark Hamill. I only wish all the toys were this detailed.

This figure is a bit different than the standard figures as its painted gold and his helmet is painted white. Luke is standing in a since looking as if he is waiting for orders. At this time in the Star Wars universe was he not the leader of his Xwing squadron? Well this is a nice figure but one small thing would be to have Luke holding the helmet in his left hand since he is right handed so he could be ready to whip out the blaster at a moment’s notice. Eh, who cares about little details like that it’s a toy right?

Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy - The Force Awakens

Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy - The Force Awakens

Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy - The Force Awakens

I’m happy to say that my crappy painting skills have not messed this one up too much. I have begun to add some layering of the orange jump suit to give it some highlights. If one was a good paint they will find lots of nice folds in the suit to highlight and shade. So far it’s going pretty nicely but the pictures look a bit rough so far. But check back later when I finish this one up.

I put some black wash on this suit but once again I have failed at making a good wash. I don’t get it. I used to be so great at making washes. Maybe I need better paint or switch to enamels or inks for the washes. – Please help me out here if you can!

Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy - The Force Awakens

Luke Skywalker Rebel Pilot – Star Wars Command Army Men Toy - The Force Awakens

Well as its December of 2014 we are about a year away from the new Star Wars movie and I’m not excited. I’m more worried they will go a mess it all up and make a ‘Star Trek looking movie. In the short trailer we already see a weird lens flare filled shot of the Falcon, ugh why. It shows the audience that you are watching a scene through a lens rather than being there in person. It’s something that would once get people blacklisted from the industry. I wish that were the case still. Let’s just shoot everything with an iPod why don’t we.

My biggest nerd concern is that Disney seems to have thrown out all the great amazing expanded universe stories and are making up their own. So I doubt it will have much continuity with the little things that make Star Wars work. Even the title shows a lack of understanding of the series. The force simply can’t ‘Awaken if it’s all around us and binds the universe together.

But my biggest nerd wish is that Luke, Han and Leia are used throughout the new trilogy. Maybe in a manner such as the teachers in Harry Potter. I don’t want to see Luke get killed off echoing what happened to Obi-Wan. I want to see the new films being about the old cast but I know that won’t happen and be a much better choice story wise. Unless the new characters are related by DNA to the prior characters established it won’t work at all.

Nor do I want to see an alternative universe that has changed what has happened in the prior films. Just don’t mess it up is all I ask.

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